I sometimes hear people asking "How do you know Jesus exist". Well this is my experience on how I know.
I recently went home to spend some time with my cousins whom I haven't seen in a while. We decided to have a little reunion. After the supper I went back to my sister for the night and she had youtube on her tv. On her youtube home page there was an older video of my husband playing drums. I recognized the frown he use to have.. even though he would be in a good mood, he always had that hard look on his face. Like he was ready for a fight or something. So we watched it (you also can watch it if you would like https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Fg71UuM3o_c&ab_channel=NickSynette) and I can't believe how much he's changed. Most of you in our lives don't know the Nick I use to know. He was always a caring person but I see the lost in his eyes. Then we compared the video to a newer one (after his Jesus encounter) and there is no denying. The change is so obvious! (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VMFOL9CRK5w&ab_channel=NickSynette ) So how do I know Jesus exist.. I see Him in my husband. I see Him in his heart and in his eyes. I see Him in the love that he now has for others. I see Him when he meets a stranger on the streets or in a store. I see Him when he talks about Jesus to others. How he is able to share the Good News of Jesus to his coworkers. How he wants the world to have Jesus. How he hurts when people rejects Him. I see Jesus in him even though he goes through trials and storms, how much peace he's got and the joy of the Lord. I see the change in my husband so much that I know only Jesus could have done. How do I know Jesus exist.. because He lives in my husband's heart. God bless, Nancy xo